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- pocket soil penetrometer
- PIT Ultra Sonic Pile Integrity Tester to evaluates the concrete quality of deep foundations
- Ultrasonic Drilling Monitor for Hole quality testing
- 10T 100KN Anchor rod pull-off tester to test concrete steel
- tile bond strength and adhesive strength tester for ceramic bricks and tiles
- Customizable interlock concrete legato block mould for precasting concrete block
- CCL-5 Concrete and cement chloride ion content analyzer
- concrete Slump cone test funnel with handle
- 5T Precast concrete block mould lifting tool rubber ball
- 2.5T Precast concrete block mould Rubber Former With Steel Screw
- Precast concrete block mould Rubber Recess Former for lifting pin anchor
- Precast concrete Spherical Head lifting anchor to hoist concrete blocks
- 5 T precast concrete Spherical Head lifting anchor to hoist concrete blocks
- 2.5 T concrete lego block mould lifting tool Spherical Head lifting pin anchor to hoist concrete blocks
- concrete lego block mould lifting tool lifting eye anchor lifting nail lifting rubber ball
- 5 T concrete lego block mould lifting tool lifting eye clutch to hoist concrete blocks
- 2.5T 5T concrete lego block mould lifting tool lifting eye anchor to hoist concrete blocks
- SYE-1000 1000KN 100 ton Concrete Flexural & Compression testing machine
- PULL OFF STRENGTH TESTER to test tile bond strength and adhesive strength
- 1000KN Concrete and cement Automatic electronic - hydraulic servo compression Testing Machine
- HT-225W Digital concrete sclerometer
- Standard Concrete rebound Hammer calibrator anvil
- W type interlocking concrete lego block moulds to create support base of wall
- Can be custom-made interlocking concrete lego block moulds for precasting concrete block
- Concrete Wireless Low Strain Pile Integrity Tester
- 150mm ABS plastic concrete cube test mould
- blue black and green color 100mm plastic concrete cube test mould
- JW-40 Concrete pluck instrument to test bond strength
- concrete pluck instrument to test bond strength of the construction works
- 1016 Mobile Concrete Building Engraving 3D Printing Robot to carve wall pattern
- Zhuozhou Tianpeng NDT equipment low strain reflected wave method Wireless Pile Integrity Tester
- 50mm Concrete Square Spacer Plastic Mold for Formwork Construction
- W form interlocking concrete lego block moulds to create support base of wall
- W form interlocking concrete lego block moulds to create support base of wall
- rebar and cable cover meter to detect rebar and cable location
- NDT LBY floor thickness detector
- NDT L800 wall thickness detector
- NDT L800 Concrete floor slab thickness gauge
- HT-225 Digital Concrete Schmidt Hammer PRICE
- HT-225 Digital Concrete Schmidt Rebound Test Hammer PRICE
- concrete Slump cone test set with base plate and scoop and tamping bar and funnel
- concrete SCC self-compacting slump cone test set for slump flow testing
- NDT apparatus Digital FSY Ultrasonic Concrete Crack Depth gauge for sale
- NDT apparatus Digital Wireless Ultrasonic Concrete Crack Depth gauge
- Digital Wireless Concrete Crack Width gauge
- PU Polyurethane concrete cube and cylinder test mould
- 150mm one gang Polyurethane concrete cube test mould
- 150*300mm Polyurethane Concrete Cylinder Test Mould
- PULL OFF STRENGTH TESTER to test bonding strength of building material
- TILE BOND STRENGTH TESTER to test bonding strength of adhesives
- CK102 Automatic Digital Concrete Crack monitorfor measuring crack width of bridge road tunnel
- CK102 Automatic Digital Concrete Crack width tester for measuring crack width of bridge road tunnel
- Tianpeng Electric Lab Concrete Vibrating Table for compacting specimen mould
- multi-functional steel reinforcement detector to test concrete bar location
- Tp-R800 NDT Equipments Automatic Handheld All-In-One Steel Rebar Detector
- Tp-R800 NDT Equipments concrete scanner steel cover meter to scan steel bar location
- Tp-R800 NDT Equipments Integrated Ultrasonic Steel Bar Detector
- GX-50B Rebar Location and Corrosion Measuring System
- Digital dual axis MEMS technology Inclinometer
- JW-40 Pull off Adhesive Strength Tester for Decorative Tiles
- Rebar Corrosion and location Detector
- Concrete Pan Mixer Cement mixer
- concrete water impermeability apparatus concrete water permeability apparatus
- TPBY-40C Standard Concrete Curing Cabinet Curing Chamber Curing Tank
- Diamond Core Drill Bit
- HT-225A Schmidt concrete test hammer
- SYE-2000B hydraulic loading building material compression testing machine
- 1000kN Digital universal testing machine
- 2000kn concrete compression testing machine
- HT-225A concrete rebound test hammer Schmidt hammer
- Standard CX-901F Borehole Digital Inclinometer system
- WYSK series Crack measurement microscope for concrete
- CD-E concrete diamond core drilling machine Sampling drilling machine
- HT-225D digital concrete rebound hammer
- Six Channels Chloride ion penetration apparatus
- Civil engineering equipment GX-50B Concrete Rebar and Corrosion scanner
- SYE-2000BS 2000kn Digital display Hydraulic Compression Strength Testing Machine for concrete and other construction materials
- 160L-350L Concrete and Cement Mixer machine for mixing
- C-TECH High Quality Concrete ABS Cylinder Mould
- Concrete Flow Table Test Set
- Concrete J - Ring Test Apparatus to determin flesh concrete Flowability
- NDT Equipment Concrete Crack Width Tester
- HT-225A Concrete Rebound Hammer
- Concrete Poisson Ratio Extensometer
- 60L Mobile Horizontal Concrete Mixer
- CK-102 Digital Automatic Concrete Crack Width Tester
- Concrete Compression Testing Machine
- Axles Forced horizontal Concrete Mixer
- Portable Digital readout Dolly Pull Off Adhesion tester
- Digital Electrical Concrete Mortar Penetrometer
- Can be customized Aluminium Wet film thickness combs gauge
- Wireless Low Strain Pile Integrity Tester
- Concrete NDT equipment Low Strain Pile Integrity Tester
- Portable Digital concrete Pull Off Adhesion tester to test tile bond strength
- concrete Pull Off bond strength tester and concrete pluck instrument
- Rebar detector to test REBAR LOCATION for concrete reinforcement
- TPCW-04 Concrete water impermeability test apparatus
- Portable core drilling machine
- HYE Series Hydraulic Digital display Compression Testing Machine of concrete strength testing
- Sieve segregation test set for determining the sieve segregation resistance of self-compacting concrete
All Categories
- Asphalt testing equipment
- Cement testing equipment
- Chamical enginerring equipment
- Concrete block lego mould
- Concrete testing equipment
- Drying and grading samples apparatus
- Fluid mechanics (hydraulics) equipment
- General
- Railway testing machine
- Rock and aggregetes testing equipment
- Soil testing equipment
- Test Weights and Balance
- Ungrouped