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- Asphalt Automatic ring and ball softening point apparatus
- Large-capacity vacuum pycnometer for Asphalt Testing for rice test
- Asphalt mixture Gyratory Compactors
- Pavement Core drilling machine
- Asphalt content Binder Ignition Oven
- ASTM standard asphalt content and binder ignition oven
- Asphalt Content/Binder Ignition Oven/Asphalt Content Tester
- 50*50 steel three gang cube Mould of concrete and cement
- Automatic Digital Cement Blaine fineness Air Permearbility Apparatus
- Automatic Cement Blaine fineness Air Permeability Apparatus and Specific Area Tester
- Manul Cement bulk density measurement Apparatus
- motorized cement flow table for mortar's fluidity testing
- manual flow table to test cement or mortars consistency and fluidity
- Cement Le Chatelier Soundness tester kit
- Lab cement mastic jolting table for shaking specimen
- Automatic Concrete Cement Flexure strength & Compression Testing Machine
- 40*40*160 Prism Shrinkage steel three gang test mould
- Electric cement flexural testing machine / Antiflex strength Testing Machine
- bluetooth computer controlled fully Automatic Vicat Apparatus for cement testing
- 40*40*160 Prism Shrinkage steel three gang Mould of concrete and cement
- Cement Steel three gang prism mould
- Cement soundness test Le Chatelier water bath
- Cement Negative Pressure wet sieving apparatus
- 5L Laboratory mixer for mortars and cement
- Cement soundness test Le Chatelier mould
- 62-L0060 Manual Bulk density measurement apparatus for cement
- Fully computer controlled Cement flexural and compression testing machine
- API standard plastic marsh funnel viscometer
- cement mortar jolting table for shaking test of specimen
- Digital cement length change comparator
- automatic blaine fineness air permeability apparatus for Portland cement
- mud balance test grout in Slurry test kit
- Motorized concrete flow table for cement mortar testing
- Cone penetrometer mortar consistency tester
- Precise 7L Air Content Meter for Fresh Mix Concrete
- Specimen Grinding Machine
- Vicat test set
- concrete test cylinder mould
- test soil bearing capacity Multifunction Standard Penetration Test and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
- 4.5kg hammer BS1377 standard manual dynamic cone penetrometer DCP for soil Mackintosh probe test
- 9kg hammer Australia AS standard manual dynamic cone penetrometer DCP for soil
- 2.5 T concrete lego block mould lifting tool lifting eye anchor to hoist concrete blocks
- single Light weight and portable soil direct shear cutting machine
- Soil testing equipment Proving Ring Penetrometer to measure bearing strength
- Cement compression and flexural press test machine
- California Bearing Ratio CBR Test Machine accessories Dial gauge tripod
- Soil CPT-VST Dual use cone penetration and vane shear test machine with probe and data acquisition system
- 20kg or 30kg hammer DCP Motorised Dynamic cone penetrometer for soil
- 20kg or 30kg hammer Motorised DCP Dynamic cone penetrometer for soil
- 20kg or 30kg hammer Motor operated DCP Dynamic cone penetrometer for soil
- Type 200 manual Soil Speedy Moisture Content Tester to analyze coarse grained soil
- manual construction building Sand Speedy Moisture Content Tester to analyze sand water content
- Electric Cement digital California Bearing Ratio CBR Test Machine
- digital soil liquid and plastic limit united device
- manual soil moisture analyzer Speedy Moisture Content Tester
- Zhuozhou Tianpeng SM-1000 calcium carbide method Speedy Moisture Tester
- SM-1000 Calcium Carbide Speedy Moisture Tester
- soil nuclear-free Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) for determining the moisture and density
- soil non-nuclear Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) for soil testing
- UCS Soil Strain controlled unconfined compression test Apparatus
- Static cone penetrometer and vane shear test machine / CPT - VST Dual-use Apparatus
- Soil cone penetrometers and vane shear test Dual-use Apparatus /CPT - VST Dual-use Apparatus
- bulk series double cylinder soil hydraulic CPT static cone penetrometers with wheels
- 70*38mm soil sample Aluminum Containers
- test soil bearing capacity Multifunction Standard Penetration Test and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
- Zhuozhou Tianpeng Soil Electric Direct cutting machine for shearing strength
- SPT-H Standard Penetration Test Apparatus Folding mast feature Soil SPT with Hydraulic station
- 63.5kg Motorized standard penetration testing apparatus SPT
- Munsell soil color Charts and Classification book
- Munsell soil colour book
- manual Speedy Moisture Content Tester or Soil Moisture analyzer
- EVD LWD elastic Dynamic Plate Load Test Apparatus
- ASTM standard 8 kg Dynamic Cone Penetrometer DCP
- Chinese supplier Civil engineering laboratory testing equipments for soil and concrete and asphalt and cement
- EVD Dynamic Plate Load Test Apparatus LWD
- Soil testing equipment 10KG 30KG Pneumatic Dynamic Cone Penetrometer DCP
- Upgraded Portable automatic soil non-nuclear Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) for soil testing
- CPTU Data Acquisition System
- Triplex Soil Consolidation test apparatus
- Electric digital California Bearing Ratio CBR Test Machine For Pavement
- 500KN Soil Plate Bearing Test Apparatus
- 50KN Digital CBR press Test Machine
- Soil testing equipment 500kn Plate Bearing load Test Apparatus
- 8kg hammer Soil Manual Dynamic Cone Penetrometer DCP to test penetration
- flakiness sieve set
- dia.100/150mm sand replacement pouring cylinder for dry density of soil
- Drag type cone penetrometers truck / CPT truck Rig
- soil test equipment field inspection pocket vane tester
- soil testing machine pocket shear vane device
- soil testing equipment cbr loading machine
- soil testing equipment CBR mould and accessories, CBR test mould
- hydraulic universal extruder, soil sample extruder, stripping machine
- Soil In-situ CBR test apparatus
- soil testing machine proctor mould and proctor rammers
- soil compaction permeameter, soil permeability apparatus, soil permeability tester apparatus
- Prebored Pressuremeter Testing in-situ soil/Menard pressuremeter
- Multifunctional compactor, electric soil compactor machine
All Categories
- Asphalt testing equipment
- Cement testing equipment
- Chamical enginerring equipment
- Concrete block lego mould
- Concrete testing equipment
- Drying and grading samples apparatus
- Fluid mechanics (hydraulics) equipment
- General
- Railway testing machine
- Rock and aggregetes testing equipment
- Soil testing equipment
- Test Weights and Balance
- Ungrouped