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- Portable Trailer-mounted FWD(falling weight deflectometer)
- CCTV Underwater Pipe Inspection Crawler Robot for 150mm to 2000mm pipelin
- TYJJ-2 OHL railway laser height and stagger gauge
- OHL railway height and stagger gauge
- OHL railway height and stagger gauge
- TYJJ-2 OHL Laser Height and Stagger Gauge
- Model TBA-350 sample preparation equipment stone cutting table saw machine
- Laboratory high accuracy 0.01 NTU Portable Turbidimeter to measure tubidity
- Laboratory Portable Turbidimeter to measure tubidity
- Turbidimeter lab Table-top Water Turbidity meter for tubidity measurement
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics products DTG Pitot tube velocity measurement apparatus
- Educational Model FSY Fluid mechanics inhomogeneous running water surface curve demonstrative experiment
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics KBY Lab orifice plate flowmeter apparatus
- Lab Hydraulics and hydromechanics KGY orifices and nozzle effluent experiment apparatus
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics apparatus LTY flow diagram demonstrative experiment apparatus
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics MQC broad crested weir overflow experiment ( open-channel meter experiment )
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics apparatus NFY model Bernoulli energy equation test apparatus
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics apparatus SJY-model water attack demo instrument
- Hydraulics and hydromechanics apparatus XDL model high precision momentum meter
- Educational Model JSY Fluid mechanics hydrostatic pressure experiment
- 500kg OIML Standard M1/2/3 Roller Shape Cast Iron Test Weights
- 10kg OIML Standard M1/2/3 Class Lock Shape Handle Grip Cast Iron Test Weight
- 250kg OIML Standard M1 Grip Handle Cast Iron Roller Weights
- 10kg cast iron test weights M1 class
- 20kg Weight Mass
- ASTM Standard Stainless Steel Weight Kit calibration weight
- 100g OIML standard M1 class stainless steel single test weight
- 1mg-100g OIML Standard E2 Class Nonmagnetic Stainless Steel Weight Set calibration weight
- 10kg OIML standard E2 class nonmagnetic stainless steel single test weight
- 1000kg M1 cast iron individual test weights
- Torvane Shear Tester Set for soil test
- 2000kg M1 Rectangular Handle Grip Cast Iron Test Weights
- Chinese supplier stainless steel OIML standard calibration weights kit
- 20kg M1 Rectangular Handle Grip Cast Iron Test Weights
- CEA-R02 model Internal recirculation reactor gas RTD (residence time distribution ) apparatus
- Mass transfer direction experiment CEA-M04 model Plate-type tower column plate performance apparatus
- Mass transfer direction experiment CEA-M03 model Packed tower gas absorption apparatus
- CEA-H03 model Double-pipe heat exchanger air-steam heat exchange experimental apparatus
- CEA-F01 model self-circulation Reynolds education apparatus for university chemical majors
- Portable Rigid Overhead Wire Catenary System Wire Wear Measurement Device
- size and color can be custom-made steel concrete stackable block lego molds of interlock
- 160*80*80cm 120*60*60 and other any sizes concrete stackable block molds
- 200ml 500ml 1000ml Laboratory Soxhlet extractor apparatus Including Heating mantle
- laboratory small ball mill for grinding
- Civil engineering testing equipment digital K type Thermometer
- EL82-5443 Digital food grade thermometer
- Wet film thickness gauge
- Digital asphalt thermometer EL82-5442
- Wet film thickness gauge
- 200mm Microns of Wire Mesh Lab Test brass test sieves
- ASTM Standard stainless steel or iron test sieve for laboratory
- UFD-X5 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
- Muffle furnace up to 1200C/1000C
- Standard laboratory electric aggregate sieve shaker for soil
- Standard laboratory electric vibration mechanical sieve shaker for soil
- electric high frequency sieve shaker for lab test
- Standard laboratory electric vibration mechanical sieve shaker
- Digital display electrical heating ss tank water bath
- MF-1200 muffle furnace for high temperature heating and drying
- Laboratory Stainless steel test sieves
- laboratory Drying Oven
- small laboratory rock Jaw crusher
- Aggregate Angularity Apparatus to Determine the Uncompacted Void Content
- Alkali-Aggregate Testing Chamber/ Curing controller cabinet
- Motorised mechanical sand equivalent shaker
- Deval abrasion testing machine
- stone brick large tiles or blocks table saw cutting machine for sample preparation
- Sand absorption cone and tamper
- Accelerated polishing machine
- Chrome, Tungsten carbide Grinding Ring mill bowl vessel for lab tech ESSA brand
- Chinese supplier ASTM Rock point load testing machine for sale
- Civil engineering equipment Lab vibratory disc mill with vibration bowl for mineral sample grinding
- 100ml Grinding vessel for Herzog
- BS standard aggregate length gauge elongation gauge
- BS standard aggregate flakiness gauge to determin flaky sample
- Same as Matest Rock point load tester for sale
- Civil engineering lab grinder machine/ accelerated polishing machine for polished stone value
- Chinese supplier lab aggregate crushing value apparatus for testing rock crushing index determiner
- Specific gravity frame and Buoyancy Balance test apparatus of civil engineering
- Coarse aggregate Specific gravity frame buoyancy balance
- Large capacity aggregate sample splitter
- Heavy gauge steel aggregate flakiness sieve
- Fine Aggregates Digital Display Rotation Methylene Blue Value Determination Test Set
- Large Capacity Sample Splitter/Riffle Box/Riffle Sampler Dividers for laboratory use
- Hand operated rock shear box apparatus
- 47-T0056/B Electric Sand Equivalent Shaker
- Aggregate impact value (AIV) apparatus
- JC-60 laboratory jaw crusher for sale
- Heavy gauge steel Bulk density for measuring unit weight with two handles
- Civil engineering application accelerated polishing machine for road stone
- Portable Rock Direct Shear Apparatus
- Automatic Motorised sand equivalent shaker
- Portable Multi-function Rock Shear Box AApparatus
- Asphalt pavement Walking Profilometer for collecting surface condition information
- collecting Asphalt pavement surface condition information IRI RN RQI Walking Profiler
- Asphalt pavement Walking Profilometer for collecting surface condition information
- 1500g capacity bitumen asphalt centrifugal extractor
- Asphalt mixture cutting machine for specimen bending test
- 3" 96C FOUR S Rubber slider for Pendulum skid resistance and friction tester spare parts
All Categories
- Asphalt testing equipment
- Cement testing equipment
- Chamical enginerring equipment
- Concrete block lego mould
- Concrete testing equipment
- Drying and grading samples apparatus
- Fluid mechanics (hydraulics) equipment
- General
- Railway testing machine
- Rock and aggregetes testing equipment
- Soil testing equipment
- Test Weights and Balance
- Ungrouped